Behavioral Health services available for adult and pediatric patients in Greenville (in-person), Kaufman (in-person for adults) and corresponding clinic locations (virtual).
Behavioral Health services available for adult and pediatric patients in Greenville (in-person), Kaufman (in-person for adults) and corresponding clinic locations (virtual).
Behavioral Health services available for adult and pediatric patients in Greenville (in-person), Kaufman (in-person for adults) and corresponding clinic locations (virtual).
The Behavioral Health Provider administers brief interventions for our adult and pediatric patients within [...]
Did you know that Carevide offers telehealth services? What is telehealth? Telehealth is a [...]

Taking Ownership of Your Mental Health: It Starts With a Conversation
Brittany Druckemiller, LCSW is a licensed therapist with Carevide in Greenville, TX.

GISD Seeks Partnership to Provide Health Services for Students
Greenville, TX — The Greenville Independent School District School Board is considering a proposal [...]

Texas Health Center Leader Honored for Advocacy Work
Texas Health Center Leader Honored for Advocacy Work Bethesda, Md. – Michelle Carter, [...]

Southwest Buick GMC Sponsoring 22nd Anniversary Ride
Cotton Patch Challenge Announces Southwest Buick GMC as Title Sponsor for [...]